
Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) provides a multitude of OOTB features to comfort the lives of users in various fields. Enriching those features by providing user-friendly consoles for specific tasks would be like an icing on the cake! This is the concept behind ADX Tools – a collection of user-friendly wizards that enhance AEM functionalities.
During release activities, there are many scenarios where admins or editors wish for an easy to use console as experiencing a productive workday feels euphoric for everyone! Sometimes, the administrator also wishes for wizards to ease up their tasks for the maintenance of AEM.
As a popular saying goes,
‘Good things come in small packages’,
ADX Tools is an amalgamation of a myriad of features in AEM developed at Argil DX, that would garnish the OOTB AEM features giving users a friendly console and quick results to save time. It is a package providing various wizards to cater to the requirements of admins or authors to make some of their tasks easier.
Let’s take a sneak peek into the utility of the tools and problems that they resolve!
Packages in AEM can become obsolete after some time and admins will accept that they consume a lot of repository space. Sometimes, it is difficult to debug the problem of growing repository size. Package Purging Tool is a silver lining in the cloud for admin as it provides a console to deal with this issue and helps purge packages in bulk.
AEM Tree Activation can be enhanced by adding some easy-to-use features and providing answers to various queries of replication. Many questions revolve around selecting the replication paths or getting a console for bulk activation, deactivation or delete operations and choosing relevant replication agents. Selective Replication Tool is a one-stop solution for all the replication activities.
There are instances when AEM admins want to manage AEM users conveniently from a single console i.e. be able to disable the users who are no longer required to login into the system or delete the users who have left the organization or enable some users who have just switched the projects. Also, admins might want to look at the percentage of users logged into the system since a specified time. User Status Report will give a detailed list of active, inactive, disabled or system users based on their login time.
It is usually a tough task to create packages by adding a huge list of filters manually and managing the child nodes and DAM renditions. Selective Content Packaging automates this task and simplifies the burden of content authors to create packages from an excel file as input. It also gives detailed packaging logs and history of packages created.
During release procedures, admins require a list of pages that have been modified or reauthored since the last release to be able to package them. Or a list of pages that have been modified but not replicated yet. Content Report is an answer to all such reporting queries to make the lives of content authors simpler in terms of managing the project.
OOTB Live Usage Report shows the live usage of components on pages. Sometimes, due to heavy content on the site, the response is slow. Wouldn’t it be easier for authors to get live usage of multiple components belonging to multiple sites all in one single click? The New Components Usage Report is a console for providing multi-site, multi-component report with many more interesting features.
So, ADX AEM Tools is a consolidation of some additional features that enriches the OOTB features in AEM and can provide a real deal of ease for users.
Downloading and installing the ADX Tools is fairly simple. You can watch the step-by-step video of the ADX Tools installation.
Related Blogs:
- User Status report: Manage Users sans the Usual Hassle
- Selective Content Packaging: Simplifying Package Creation in AEM
- Package purging: Delete Multiple Unwanted Packages in AEM Instances at Once
- Content Report: Need a Comprehensive Status Report of All Your Content?
- Component Usage report: Generate Live Usage Report of Multiple Components with a Click
- Selective Replication: Bulk Content Replication Made Easier
At Argil DX, we are dedicated to improving your AEM experience and usability. Get in touch with us to know more about our services and AEM expertise.
To download the ADX Tools package, submit a request and we will deliver the package to your inbox within 15 working days.
Nice work guys! Hoping to get the release package soon.
I have tried the ADX tools and it worked like a charm. Thanks guys
I registered for getting a copy of Argil DX tool. I got a mail from Argil DX team, but that mail did not have tool’s package attachement, though it was mentioned in the mail that package is attached. Could someone please share the package.
We will send packages right after summit.
Will this work for AEM 6.1?
I tried installing but I could not verify Mapping of ‘Apache Sling Service User Mapper Service Amendment’ as
com.adx.utilities.core:ResourceResolverUtil=adxSystemUser in configMgr
It is working wonderfully for 6.4 version. Will this work for 6.1 too?
We have tested it on AEM 6.2 to AEM 6.4. It should work on AEM 6.1 as well. If you face any issues feel free to get in touch with us, we will be happy to help
Thank you for the response. I installed in AEM 6.1 and package is installed but I couldn’t verify Mapping of ‘Apache Sling Service User Mapper Service Amendment’ as
com.adx.utilities.core:ResourceResolverUtil=adxSystemUser in configMgr
ADX wont show up in configMgr page