No matter the mode of communication, it should be effective and enhance collaboration.<\/figcaption><\/figure><\/div>\n\n\n\nA general challenge every QA team faces is maintaining flawless communication between all the parties involved in a project, i.e. developers, management and customers. An effective communication with the help of a process to follow and maintain helps in productive collaboration. Simple examples of communication include creating a model ticket, establishing code review procedures and clearing labeling schemes. Most teams fail to make proper use of available tools to have an effective communication<\/strong>. This in turn raises issues like sudden changes in the code or a minor change in the requirement that wasn\u2019t documented or mentioned in the user story. Tickets in Pivotal Tracker or Defect Management Tools like JIRA are fundamental part of the best QA testing practices at Argil DX \u2014 we use them all day, every day. Whether you\u2019re describing a bug or a feature, ensure that the ticket you create is described in a detailed and easily understandable manner. It\u2019s the ticket creator\u2019s job to give the exact details necessary to address the ticket<\/strong> – the title or summary, the body or description, the steps to reproduce the labels if required. It should clearly state the problem and\/or the expected outcome. When creating a ticket, you can use sub-tasks<\/strong> if you feel that it’ll be helpful in breaking up the main task to create smaller tasks that are easier to achieve. Remember, never create an incomplete ticket. Sometimes, tickets are prepared hurriedly and on the go during a meeting or sanity testing and require more descriptions to be added later. That\u2019s OK<\/strong>. However, it\u2019s a common scenario where the description section is simply skipped over because it is assumed the title will infer the outcome. Every time you create a ticket ask yourself the following questions before completing. a. Will someone else easily understand this ticket? b. Did you provide the detailed information and your own insight? c. Could you easily give this ticket to a QA team member from another project and would he or she still be able to check it without any extra explanation? If you answer these questions with an emphatic yes, especially the last one, then it\u2019s a good sign that the ticket is ready for the world. Lastly and most importantly, always keep your tickets up to date<\/strong>. Always add information about changes in the project, even if they are small ones. For example, if you decide to change the content, mention it. Remember your QA pays attention to detail and after noticing the updates, they will decide if the particular changes were intended or not. If a new mockup is ready, always replace the outdated file with the latest version. <\/p>\n\n\n\n 2. Testing to meet the usability or UX standards your customers expect<\/strong> <\/h5>\n\n\n\nWe believe in usability testing and like to find even the simplest of usability flaws in a software. However, on looking closer we find that the software was delivered by the development team without understanding the requirements. The issue is then classified as \u201cWorked as designed.\u201d This is where we must communicate more with our clients and understand what the best user experience will be<\/strong>, by keeping in mind the type of users who will be using the software and some day-to-day activities conducted on that software\/website\/application. The most common thing in all top-notch testers is their laser-like focus on the user experience. It\u2019s far too easy for testers to get lost in the weeds of test cases and forget about the actual end user, however this is a fatal mistake.<\/p>\n\n\n\n <\/figure><\/div>\n\n\n\nWe\u2019ll never be able to catch every weird, obscure bug, but there are always some design elements where they tend to lurk. By focusing our testing efforts on some of the following areas \u2014 or at least not neglecting them \u2014 we can catch more issues before our customers do:a) Too many fields on a single page<\/strong>: Your end users are probably doing multiple things at once, so if you give them more than 10-15 fields to enter before they can save, it is an issue. You can suggest using a multipage form or a method for the user to save a transaction in a temporary state. The idea is to create more user-friendly design and workflow of that module.b)<\/strong> Authoring experience in CMS website<\/strong>: So many companies have a separate team of content authors, and they are always putting content into the website daily. In scenarios like these, the content authors become your end users. It becomes imperative for any QA team member to put themselves into their shoes while testing a component and suggesting a change in the authoring experience. The authoring of any page or component should be easy to understand and the most important fields or options to be highlighted first and then user should move to the less important authoring fields.c) User journey in a software, website or application<\/strong>: This is a very important area of focus while testing any product as this is the foundation on which user experience or usability was introduced in the world of QA. There are many researches and reports of applications with good concept and idea failing in the market because of bad user experience caused by an unsatisfactory user journey. The user journey should be extremely simple and easy to understand with desired results displayed at every step of the way. Otherwise, the user gets exhausted because they are just selecting options and nothing relevant to their search is displayed. <\/p>\n\n\n\nA proper testing framework enables swift agile software delivery.<\/figcaption><\/figure><\/div>\n\n\n\n 3. Build an exciting framework of testing approach:<\/strong> <\/h5>\n\n\n\nQA team can come up with new testing strategy in the agile world of short sprints to deliver the quality product. Some of the testing approaches can be: a) QA team should develop a healthy relationship with Business Analysts. b) Ensure that every user story is specific to what you want to tell the user. It should also be testable and include an acceptance criteria. c) Don\u2019t ignore non-functional testing such as load, performance and security testing. Make sure that we do both functional and non-functional testing from the very start of the project. d) Build meaningful end-to-end test scenarios by utilizing trends, data and analytics from the existing product to gather information about user activities and user journeys through the application. e) Build a strong testing\/QA practice which drives development. Define an Agile QA Testing Strategy<\/strong> and adopt tools which have a good amount of customization available for the need of your project. f) Conduct regular QA workshops within the team where the testers can improve their technical skills as well as soft skills. g) Take advantage of technical architecture diagrams, models of the application and mind maps to implement suitable test techniques. h) Embed QA within the teams with appropriate owners, so that they are aware of any changes to the application.<\/p>\n\n\n\n 4.<\/strong> Implement SBTM \u2013 Session Based Testing Management:<\/strong><\/h5>\n\n\n\nSBTM<\/strong>: Session-Based Test Management \u2013 It is \u201ca method for measuring and managing exploratory testing.\u201d In a nutshell, it is a Test Management Framework which is made for effective exploratory testing and finding results without executing test cases. Exploratory testing is always unscripted, unrehearsed testing. Its effectiveness purely depends on several intangibles: the skill of the tester, their intuition, experience, and ability to follow hunches and look for unexplored areas. It’s these intangibles that often confound test managers when it comes to being accountable for the results of the exploratory testing performed. For e.g. at the end of the day, when a team lead or manager asks for the status from an exploratory tester, they may get an answer like “Oh, you know… I tested some modules here and there, just looking around as of now.” Even though the tester may have filed several bugs, the manager might have no idea what they did to find them. If the lead or manager was skilled enough to ask the right questions about what the tester did, the tester may have forgotten the details or may not be able to describe their finding in a quantifiable manner. For this very problem, there is a framework named Session Based Test Management (SBTM). This framework can be used in the form of a template (Session Metrics \u2013 Derived from the sessions performed) which will document the effort spent on the exploratory testing. This documentation is named as session metrics which are the primary means to express the status of the exploratory test process. This contains the following elements: <\/p>\n\n\n\nNumber of sessions completed or rounds of testing performed<\/li> Number of problems or issues found<\/li> Functional areas covered such as the modules, pages or components<\/li> Percentage of session time spent on setting up for testing, which is the average time of setting up the test data and test environment if any authoring or content sync is required<\/li> Percentage of session time spent testing which is the actual time spent on testing the mentioned modules, components, etc.<\/li> Percentage of session time spent investigating problems which is the investigation time spent on each bug or an issue <\/li><\/ul>\n\n\n\n